I’ve been thinking about this concept for about six months and have finally decided to document it here now, even as work in progress. The name I’ve given my concept is Adaptive Buying and Selling Alignment. It’s a mouthful; I know. Perhaps that name won’t stick, but it’s a “working title” and I like it […]
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In part one of this series, I discussed the misnomer inherent in the term “best practices” and recommended “top performer practices” instead. I also pinpointed the reason for the bad reputation, since poorly executed best practices projects often fail to produce tangible results. In the projects I’ve run over the past 25+ years, I’ve learned […]
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The term “best practice” is tossed around a lot. These days, it’s sometimes met with a groan or disbelief. There are many reasons for that, some valid, some not… but two of the most prominent reasons seem to be: The reaction to the misnomer inherent in the phrase “best practices.” The fact that it’s been […]
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I Love a Good Rant In 1989, Richard Bach released his follow-up book to “Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” called “Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.” In the book, Bach struggles to learn from his new friend, Donald Shimoda, a man Bach believes is a Messiah who quit the job, but found him – based on […]
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Okay, it’s true. I’m calling a “Do Over.” I announced, in mid-November of 2012, what I’d be doing with this blog. It hasn’t happened. Ouch. I know. Shortly after the announcement, I got embroiled in the end of several-month career search, navigated multiple offers (fortunately), landed a new gig, took a vacation for the holidays, and […]
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Welcome to Transforming Sales Results at https://www.mikekunkle.com! Well, the relevant posts from my old blog are transferred here, and despite the fact that I’m still figuring out parts of WordPress, I suppose this is a sort of delayed Grand Opening. Please grab a balloon and feel free to wander around or even sign-up to receive […]
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Please Allow Me to Confuse You Edward Sapir’s and Benjamin Whorf’s hypothesis of linguistic relativity holds that the language we speak and the structure of that language affects the way in which its speakers conceptualize their world or otherwise influences their cognitive processes. According to Dictionary.com, one definition of “nuance” is “a subtle difference or […]
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You can request a phone meeting with me using TimeTrade, which allows you to pick times and send a request. It also lets you add a message, send a confirmation, and add the event to most calendars. The one flaw? It includes my Google Calendar but is not connected to my work calendar, so […]
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I know why it happened… so much of the old sales training and motivational speaking literature is centered around: Having a “winning” mindset Setting goals and “crushing” them Being the best you can be (focus on you and your achievement, not the customer) Being able to “sell ice to an Eskimo” The secrets of instant […]
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Pretty Challenging Stuff There’s a lot of hubbub about the CEB’s research which led to “The Challenger Sale” book about the newly-identified behaviors of leading, educating and challenging clients, to add more value and win more sales. I actually started lauding the research through social media before the book was launched, and respect the research, […]
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