For Real Performance Improvement, Put Sales Managers First

Pretty Challenging Stuff There’s a lot of hubbub about the CEB’s research which led to “The Challenger Sale” book about the newly-identified behaviors of leading, educating and challenging clients, to add more value and win more sales. I actually started lauding the research through social media before the book was launched, and respect the research, […]

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As a Sales Person, Are You Relevant?

I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions and blog posts about this topic lately, relative to B2B sales. So, at the prompting of a new connection, I decided to explore sales relevancy and offer my own perspective. SALES RELEVANCEAccording to (, “relevant” is an adjective meaning “bearing upon or connected with the matter in […]

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Avoid Groundhog Day Syndrome When Selling B2C

B2C sales reps, especially those with potential for client development, here are two questions and a few thoughts for you. B2B reps, this isn’t tailored for you, but I believe many of you will find much of this relevant. QUESTIONS Are you building a portfolio of satisfied, loyal, long-term clients who will fuel your business […]

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WTH is a Performance Lever?

WTH is a Performance Lever

I was asked this question once (and yes, just that way), as I was talking with  someone about my work. Performance Levers are central to what I do, and the book that I wrote on sales enablement, as well as The Building Blocks of Sales Enablement Learning Experience, so I thought I’d dedicate a post […]

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Thoughts on Account Development Planning

Earlier tonight I replied to a posting in a LinkedIn group and then thought I should share some of the same information here with a bit more detail. The question was about the account planning process and I shared some of the things I’ve developed and taught over the years. I call it Account Development Planning, but […]

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Aligning Performance Levers for Breakthrough Sales Results

Aligning_Performance_Levers_for_Breakthrough_Sales_Results_-_Mike_Kunkle_082011.pdf Download this file With a few minor changes for publication vs. presentation, this is a presentation that I gave recently at the Dallas ASTD Southwest Learning Summit for their sales training track. It’s difficult to cram 15 years of progressive learning into a presentation, but I have been working on codifying and documenting my […]

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The Gap in Sales – What We Know vs What We Do

Out of Focus Over at (, Focus Expert Bruce Brien asked a great question about the prevalent lack of sales call preparedness, which is supported by research. Bruce cites buyer surveys from IDC for 2010 suggest that sales people are ill-prepared for the meetings they conduct, adding, “Buyers also suggest that most sellers do […]

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Presenting at the Dallas ASTD 2011 Southwest Learning Summit

Just a quick note today to announce that I’ve been selected as a presenter at the Dallas ASTD 2011 Southwest Learning Summit (SWLS).  I’ll be speaking about my performance lever work.  ABOUT THE SUMMIT Dallas ASTD 2011 Southwest Learning Summit and Exposition When:   Tuesday, August 9, 2011, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Where:  Plano Centre, […]

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The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Recently, I heard from a social media networking contact who has been away from sales enablement for awhile but is heading back into the field. He asked if I might suggest a few programs, approaches and resources to review. His goal was to catch up on “more current thinking and approaches to developing a sales force” […]

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Should You Use Psychometric Assessments to Hire?

Given a choice between having well-designed, validated psychometric assessments as a balanced part of my selection process or not, I’d choose to have them, every time.  In the now-famous words of Jim Collins, there are few things as important as getting the right people in the right seats on the bus. Educate, aka Hit the […]

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