Monthly Archives: April 2011

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Recently, I heard from a social media networking contact who has been away from sales enablement for awhile but is heading back into the field. He asked if I might suggest a few programs, approaches and resources to review. His goal was to catch up on “more current thinking and approaches to developing a sales force” […]

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Should You Use Psychometric Assessments to Hire?

Given a choice between having well-designed, validated psychometric assessments as a balanced part of my selection process or not, I’d choose to have them, every time.  In the now-famous words of Jim Collins, there are few things as important as getting the right people in the right seats on the bus. Educate, aka Hit the […]

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Some Quick Thoughts on Sales Performer Analysis

While there are multiple reasons to study the production metrics of your sales force, one of my favorites is to conduct a Performer Analysis. The goal of a Sales Performer Analysis (or perhaps I should say, ‘my’ Sales Performer Analyses) is to decide who to study to determine best practices, as well as the differentiating […]

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